Basketball Victory!

The St Edmund's basketball team beat Maynard Girls School from Exeter by 78 baskets to 32, putting our school team into the semi finals of the National Schools' basketball competition.

Maynard were expected to provide the toughest competition yet and the home team approached the match with more than a degree of trepidation, given that a St Edmund's team had not yet scored a victory against this school.

In the first quarter it looked as though the St Edmund's team might be daunted by the opposition's strong defence, but as the match progressed the St Edmund's School's score line drew away from Maynard's with our girls proving themselves to be too fast and accurate for the visitors. Eloise Sneddon, newly recruited to the England Under 17s training squad, showed her superior skills throughout the game and captain Lacey Mackenzie scored the highest number of baskets at 38. Overall this was a superior team effort; well done to all the girls and we now look forward to the semi-final!
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